Buy the morning-after pill: All important info

Important: The sooner you take the morning-after pill, the safer it will be! So take it as soon as possible after your contraceptive breakdown.

Where can I buy the morning-after pill?

If you have had unprotected sex, or your regular method of contraception has failed, you might be considering using the morning after pill to help prevent unplanned pregnancy. You might know what the morning after pill is and how hormonal emergency contraception (a.k.a the morning after pill) works, but do you know where to get it?

The good news is that there are many different ways to access oral emergency contraception. Do take note that morning after pill is a prescription medication.

1 — Physical consultation with clinics or hospitals

1. Physical consultation with clinics or hospitals

Visit your healthcare provider to find out more and obtain the available contraceptive options.

2 — Get it online via telemedicine provider

2. Get it online via telemedicine provider

Speak to a doctor online and have your morning after pill delivered right to you!

3 — Local retail pharmcies

3. Local retail pharmcies

Visit your pharmacies provided you have a prescription from your doctor.

1. Physical consultation with clinics or hospitals

Visit your healthcare provider to find out more and obtain the available contraceptive options.

2. Get it online via telemedicine provider

Speak to a doctor online and have your morning after pill delivered right to you!

3. Local retail pharmcies

Visit your pharmacies provided you have a prescription from your doctor.

In der Apotheke

„Ich hätte gerne die Pille Danach.“

Das wird dein Apotheker möglicherweise von dir wissen wollen:
  • Welche Verhütungspanne du hattest
  • Wie viele Stunden seit der Verhütungspanne vergangen sind
  • Ob du die Antibabypille und/oder andere Medikamente einnimmst
  • Wie lange deine letzte Periode zurückliegt
  • Ob du evtl. schon schwanger sein könntest
  • Informationen zu deinem Gesundheitszustand und Allergien
  • Ob du aktuell stillst
  • Ob du in diesem Zyklus schon einmal die Pille Danach genommen hast